Top Sydney Celebrant, Baby Naming, Gift of Love - Nitza

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Top Sydney Celebrant, Baby Naming, Gift of Love

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Baby Naming Ceremony, Interfaith Naming Cermony,
Civil Baptism, Naming Jewish Style,

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Naming Ceremony:  A name is your first gift of love to your baby!
It is a joyous and special occasion when families celebrate the birth of a new baby.
Naming ceremonies have been celebrated for centuries by mankind, with different rituals, symbols and customs.
What is a Baby Naming ceremony?
Baby Welcoming, Blessing and Naming Ceremonies these days are non-religious ceremonies and are a very special way of celebrating the arrival of a new child.
The celebration is for a new-born, special first birthday, older child, step child and adopted children.
It  is a way of expressing to your family and friends your joy, happiness  and excitement of the new arrival into your life and introducing your  baby to family and friends. These ceremonies are an opportunity to declare your promise to be as good a parent as you can
Who is usually participating?
The  ceremonies usually involve the important people in the child's life, friends or relatives, grandparents, uncles, aunties and godparents & mentors as they confirm their special & supportive relationship with your child.
A welcoming ceremony is, in every sense, a unique occasion for everyone to feel involved as they offer their love and support for your child's future development.
While the Naming Ceremony and accompanying documents (Naming Certificates etc.,) do not have any legal status, they are a wonderful way to welcome your child and celebrate, as he /she begin his/her journey through life.
It is for parents who do not wish to have the traditional religious baptism or christening at a church or naming in the Synagogue, but would still like to have a special ceremony to celebrate the birth of a child or welcome a new arrival into their family.
What do you include in Naming ceremonies?
Each ceremony is unique and is tailored to suit your individual needs.
Poems, readings and quotes of personal significance can be used throughout the ceremony.
Often a symbolic gesture is also made such as presenting the child with gifts, the lighting of a candle, planting of a tree etc.
Our ceremony can take place anytime after the birth of the baby, including marking your baby's First birthday! It  can help fill the need for a ritual and provide you with the  opportunity to express your joy and have a memorable, "milestone" party!
Even if you are not religious, or you don't belong to a specific religious community, you can still celebrate!
Baby Naming for "interfaith couples" or Jewish parents
Some call it Brit (Bris) Shalom
A naming ceremony for newborn Jewish boys that does not involve circumcision
A special “Hebrew Naming” ceremony can be included as part of the ceremony.
The  Jewish ritual of giving a Hebrew name to the child includes the reciting of the traditional blessings, in Hebrew and in English.
Female and male children are treated equally.
There is recognition of the Jewish identity of a child, whether he is circumcised or not.
The parents are consulted and the meaning of the ceremony is what you, the parents wish to express.
What is in a Name?
Plenty! For Jews, names have a special significance!
Children with Jewish heritage are traditionally given both a secular and a Hebrew name    
The secular name is used in day-to-day life, while the Hebrew name is reserved for religious purposes
The name itself has no religious significance.
Some people believe that a child's name can have a great influence on who he or she becomes in later life.
Jewish mysticism and Kabbalah teach that a person's name expresses their inner essence. Certainly, names can evoke particular meanings and images, often highly personal, which can influence the way a child is regarded.
Choose your child's name with care, considering both your personal reactions to a name, as well as more universal associations.
Many parents pick Hebrew and English names that complement each other.
The names may: Sound alike or start with the same letter
Be variations or equivalencies of the same name Have the same meaning.
Other parents pick unrelated English and Hebrew names, deciding instead on a Hebrew name that evokes special meaning or significance for them.
Biblical names and names of relatives are most common Hebrew names.
Special note on naming a child after a relative:
One of the most common practices is to name a child to honor a relative.
Sephardic Jews name their children freely after both living and deceased relatives.
However, Ashkenazim rarely name children after living relatives, based on the belief that this will bring bad luck to both the child and the relative.  
Traditional superstition held that the Angel of Death may take the child instead of the older family member.
For this reason, it's very uncommon to name a child after his living father. You won't find many “juniors" among Ashkenazi Jews
Being fluent in Hebrew I can assist you with the Hebrew name!
If  you are not sure about the Hebrew Name, what and how to choose the Hebrew name, what is the meaning of the name you like, I will be able to  assist you with all the above, as I know and understand the culture  & I speak Hebrew fluently as well.
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